By: Josephine Nyeweah in Kenema district
Minister of Social Welfare, Madam Baindu Dassama Kamara, has formally launched the training of health care workers at the district council conference hall in Kenema.
The Ministry of Social Welfare through the Post Ebola Recovery Social Investment Fund (PERSIF) Project in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation with support from African Development Bank is rolling out Training of Trainers for health workers staff at the Eastern Technical University Sierra Leone in Kenema and staff of College of Medicine and Allied Health Science (COMAHS) in Freetown on Integrated Disease Surveillance Report (IDSR) and International Health Regulations (IHR).

Giving an overview of the project, the project coordinator PERSIF project David Edward Lahai said the training of the Lecturers of the two Institutions who will in turn continue to train health care workers in building up there capacity for national development. He emphasize that the document is going to be part of the curriculum of the two Institutions that will continue to empower health care workers across the nation.
He disclosed that the project entail other components that the will continue to implement in the country. He called on the communities to continue collaborating with the health care workers in discharge of their duties in the interest of the community.
Dr. Abdul Karim Mbawah head of community health department College of Medicine and Allied Science in the University of Sierra Leone said the two Universities will add the documents to their curriculum, which will enable all students going through the institutions to be adequately prepared at all times in life.
He said the experience health care workers got during the Ebola era gave them more knowledge that made them to massage the COVID-19 situation with lesser casualties as compared to Ebola that took every one unprepared.
The Minister assured her audience of her Ministry’s commitment to supervise every facet of this project in other to achieve the overarching objective of improving the quality of life of target beneficiaries and building the resilience of communities through the successful implementation of the project.
She added that there should be no gaps between policy and practice in the implementation of the PERSIF project for the recovery of affected communities. She therefore called on all stakeholders to give serious consideration to the implementation of this life and community transforming project. She vowed to effectively monitor the implementation and conduct timely evaluation of the project to ensure that the objectives of the project are met in a timely manner.
She cautioned the would be beneficiaries to judiciously make use of the opportunity that will come there ways