By Richmond B. Tholley

In a significant turn of events, the Local Unit Commander of the Mile 91 Police Division, Chief Superintendent of Police Michael JK Lagga, ended a peace tour he embarked on in all of the Poro society bushes in the native Yoni Chiefdom, Tonkolili District, on January 25th, 2024.
And he’s the first local unit commander in Mile 91 with the initiative to foster peaceful coexistence among local people in his operational areas.
During every dry season, especially from December to March, members of the male-dominated poro society in Yoni Chiefdom will hold their ceremonies to initiate new members into the society, and the traditional process(s) are normally backed by a plethora of rites.
As the commander of the area, LUC Lagga said going around preaching peace inside the poro society bushes is something that has a security impact because he said the majority of the males in those bushes are not only stakeholders in their communities but also have a voice and command respect among their people.
Also, CSP Lagga said secret societies play an integral part in our local communities and must be included or targeted when discussing peace and security.
During his tour, the local unit commander emphasizes the need for peace and cohesion among community members inside and outside the social bushes.
Among the places he visited were Roruks, Roniatta, and Petifu Kafollamasa, all in the Yoni Mamaila Chiefdom, and some poro bushes around Mile 91.
The LUC warned heads of society to refrain from coercing others to join their society for peace to reign. As members of Poro society, Lagga said they must also see themselves as partners in development and help support the police to reduce crime.
As law enforcers, he said they hold secret societies in high esteem and urge them to caution their members to be law-abiding because the poro society bush must be a training ground for young men to take up leadership roles.
While going about their traditional ceremonies, he called on the leadership to respect the rights of others and to ensure that society does not halt education in communities.
As a member of the society, Lagga said he is impressed by the respect shown to him in all of the poro society bushes he visited.
He also warned nonmembers to respect the traditions of the land for peaceful coexistence.
LUC Lagga’s initiative is widely praised around and outside Yoni Chiefdom because this is the first time a commander of that division has done such marvelous work.
Even the leadership of the Poro society in the chiefdom expressed happiness and described the LUC as a true friend of the Yoni chiefdom.