Procurement Number: KeNDC/ADMIN/NCB/2021/062
Date of First Issue 2nd September 2022
The Kenema District Council has allocated funds from Government of Sierra Leone for the procurement of Spares for Vehicles, Motor Bikes and Generators on framework contract bases for the Council and Devolved Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA’s) for 2022, now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of :
Lot 1: (Spares for Vehicles)-tyres,engine oil, break pads, plugs etc
Lot 2:(Spares for Motor Bikes)-inner tyres, head lights,foot rest,clutch etc
Lot 3: (Spares for Generators)-fan belt,starter,exhaust,water pump etc.
Bidding is open to all suppliers who can demonstrate Technical and Commercial capacities.
Interested bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding document at the address below between 9: 00am – 5: 00pm (Sierra Leone Time) from Mondays to Fridays. Bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee per lot of One hundred and fifty Leones (Le150.00) to:
- Bank Name: NNP-Bank of Sierra Leone Single Treasury Account Details.
Account Name: Revenue from Sales of Bidding Documents
Account Number: 0111003981
- Bank Name: Union Trust Bank
Account Name: Revenue from Sales of Bidding Sub Treasury
Account Number: 210113253-01
BBAN: 00-4001113253120144
- Bank Name: Sierra Leone Commercial Bank
Account Name: Revenue from Sales of Bidding Sub Treasury
Account Number: 003001081791112183
Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Friday 16th September 2022 at 10:00am Sierra Leone Time. All bids must be accompanied by:
- A valid Business registration certificate
- Bid Security of three thousand Leones (Le3,000.00) from a reputable Commercial Bank;
- A valid tax clearance certificate;
- A valid NASSIT clearance certificate;
- A signed Integrity Pact; (see attached)
- Council/Municipal Registration Certificate
- Suppliers within Kenema District are highly encouraged to apply (Local Content Policy
Bids will be publicly opened on Friday 16th September 2022 at 10:00am Sierra Leone Time , in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidder
Procurement Officer
Kenema District Council
Nyandeyama Road