The Minister of Transport and Aviation on Thursday 15th September 2022 led a high powered delegation comprising Deputy Minister of Transport, Chairman and Board Members of the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority, SLRSA Executive Director, Senior Permanent Secretary and senior members of the SLRSA to inspect Autospect Installations at Mile 6, along the Waterloo-Masiaka Highway, and Kissy Road.

On arrival at the two facilities, the Executive Director Reverend Smart K. Senesie introduced Members of the Ministry of Transport and SLRSA delegation to the Autospect team. Autospect Managing Director, Mr. MuhiedineItani, led the Minister and entourage on a tour of the ultra-modern faculties. The tour party was shown six inspection lanes for motor cycles, light and heavy vehicles. The lanes will check for carbon emission level, headlight, shock absorbers, brakes and vehicles under body testers etc. A vehicle in the Minister’s entourage was put through the comprehensive test culminating in a fitness certificate being issued indicating the fitness or otherwise of the vehicle to ply the road.

MrItani declared that both faculties were 90 percent complete.
The Autospect facilities would host SLRSA officials to serve the public in vehicle registration, drivers licence issuance, vehicle fitness and inspection certification.
The Autospect MD disclosed that in preparation for the imminent launch of Autospect operations in Freetown, no fewer than 30 SLRSA Vehicle Examiners have undergone training on how to use machinery at the Autospect vehicle inspection sites. It is expected that 150 Sierra Leoneans would be employed at the nine stations that would be operated across the country.
The Minister expressed satisfaction with the sophistication of equipment at both Installations and the high standard fitness test and certification employed by Autospect and called for public awareness and sensitisation to prepare vehicle owners for the rigorous test regime their vehicles would be subjected to when Autospect shall commence operations.

Autospect and SLRSA are collaborating as part of a public private partnership based on a built, operate and transfer mechanism to last for at least fifteen years.
Autospect offers to the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority a team with experience, reliability, expertise, technological knowhow and the financial acumen required to ensure a seamless re-establishment and continuous operation of technical safety.
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