By: Josephine Nyeweah in Kenema district
Faith-based Non-Governmental Organization Caritas Sierra Leone Kenema with support from Sierra Leone Ireland Partnership (SLIP) has ended a Non-Violence engagement with youths and faith leaders in the Kailahun district.
The engagement took place at Buedu town, Kissi Tongi chiefdom for the youth population, and in Kailahun town Luawa chiefdom for faith-based leaders in the Kailahun district.

Addressing participants, the Director Caritas Kenema Sierra Leone Rev. Fr. Alfred Nyuma Bockarie called on the youths to remain peaceful before, during, and after the 24 June general elections.
He said there is no price for peace and therefore everybody must work towards maintaining stability at all costs, adding peace means development for everyone.

He recalled the youths about the scar of war that the Country went through, and therefore all must avoid violence at all costs.
The Faith Leaders in their statements promised to continue preaching in their house of worship about Non-Electoral Violence in the community.
The Program Manager Caritas Kenema Sierra Leone Andrew Aruna disclosed that SLIP is a Voluntary Organization whose membership consists of Sierra Leoneans living in Ireland, former development workers, Missionaries, and Volunteers who lived and worked for some time in Sierra Leone over the past sixty years.
He assured his audience that SLIP works to keep Sierra Leone issues before the public and Government. SLIP has lobbied for more significant air investment in Sierra Leone and has assisted Sierra Leone students and others who have come to study and work in Ireland.
The youth leader in Buedu town Kissi Tongi chiefdom Kailahun district George Fomgbeh on behalf of the youths promised his audience of total peace before, during and after the general elections.