The Minister of Social Welfare, Hon. Melrose Kaminty, has called on Kush victims at the two privately managed Kush rehabilitation centers in Kenema city.

Some of you and your parents have died because of your Kush condition; some are sick; and some are traumatized because of the Kush condition you have put yourselves into.

When you go through the rehabilitation centers, let drug abuse be your greatest enemy; by so doing, it will be good for you, your community, and the country at large.
The Minister of Social Welfare, Hon. Melrose Karminty, made this alterance when she and her team on Saturday, 10th August 2024, paid a visit to the two privately managed KUSH rehabilitation centers in Kenema city.

Bishop Dr. Abraham Paul Kallowga Major One Rehabilitation Center,
Off Maxwell Khobe Street, New England, Nyandeyama by SALWACO office was the first to be visited, followed by Save Our Children Foundation at Kpasamoi Street Simbeck Section in Kenema, the first Kush Rehabilitation Center established in Kenema with support from chief Ansumana Daddy Bonya Vangahun and his wife that lived in the USA.
The aim of the visit was for the Minister to have first-hand information about realities at the two centers and to work out possible collaboration in the fight against drug abuse in the nation.

The team first paid a visit to the Holy Ghost Assignment Church New England community, where Major One Rehabilitation Center was established by Bishop Abraham Paul Kallowga. He established a rehabilitation center in his church where 19 Kush victims have been rehabilitated and returned to the community since the establishment of the center and are now serving as ambassadors in the communities against drug abuse. The ambassadors usually revisit the center to help reform the current victims.

At the time of the minister’s visit, the church center was holding 35 Kush victims.
Addressing the Minister and her team, Bishop Abraham Paul Kallowga disclosed that with his counseling background, he decided to join the nation in the fight against drug abuse by establishing the center.
He pointed out that feeding, medication, and workers not on salary are major challenges since the establishment of the center.
Adding the little support the parent provides is not enough in the care and maintenance of victims, saying the fight against drugs must be the responsibility of all and sundry in society.
He called on the government and partners to support the center as there are more relatives of Kush victims knocking at their door for rehabilitation.
The Minister, in her address, thanks the Bishop and team for their support in the fight, which she said is in the right direction for national development.
She further disclosed that the government has established Kush Rehabilitation Center in Freetown and that 90% of the work has been done in establishing Kush centers at all military outlets across the nation, with some members of the already established centers onboard.
Upon her return to Freetown, she will report to the vice president, who asked her to visit the centers in Kenema to access the situation for possible collaboration.
At the Kpasamoi street Simbeck section in Kenema, the center is hosted on school premises, with overcrowding.
The minister and her team gave them similar talks.
The head of the center, Mr. Sheriff, applauded the support of Chief Ansumana Daddy Bonya Vangahun and his wife’s fullest support for the center since its establishment. But called on the government and partners for support in the areas of food, accommodations, medical support, and salary for workers who are on volunteerism.
The center is currently hosting over 200 victims and has earlier discharged into the community 40 victims who are ambassadors; some have returned to the center to help in the rehabilitation of their brothers and sisters hosted at the center.
The Minister took notes on the situation and promised to take steps for possible collaboration in the interest of national development.