By: Amadu Femoh Sesay, Communications Manager
The Public Service Commission (PSC) on Thursday 10th October, 2024 played host to members of the Wages and Compensation Commission (WCC) at its headquarters on Gloucester Street in Freetown.

In his brief remarks, the Chairman of PSC, Mr. Kalilu Omaro Bah (K.O.Bah) said his Commission was pleased to host the team from WCC, adding that the host Commission is a member of the Board of the visiting Commission.
Mr. K.O Bah said as a result of emerging issues and the dynamics of the Public Service, the PSC has the role in providing the effective vehicle to drive reforms across the Public Service. This effort is in alignment with Cluster Four of the Big Five Changers which relates to ‘Revamping the Public Service Architecture’ of Sierra Leone.
Speaking on the functions of the Commission, the Chairman of PSC said the PSC is mandated to regulate human resources management across the Public Service.
Mr. K.O. Bah told the gathering that the entire service delivery within government is inter-connected which requires strong inter-agency coordination, and collaboration to enhance synergy in Public Service delivery.
The Chairman of WCC Alpha Timbo informed the PSC team that the Commission was established by an Act of Parliament, which was passed into law on 13th April, 2023.
Mr. Timbo said the WCC is mandated to determine Wages & Compensation for public sector employees, harmonize public sector Pay System to reflect equity, and provide for other related matters across the wider Public Sector.
He said with the creation of the WCC, State Institutions no longer have the authority to set out conditions of service for their employees. “…the WCC Act nullifies all other provisions that existed before to determine their conditions of service…” he reaffirmed.
On the composition of the Board of Commissioners, Mr. Timbo told the gathering that the composition has attracted the highest level of positions and the functions they perform.
Warmly welcoming the WCC team, the Secretary to the Commission/Head of Administration, Mr. Mohamed Jusu said the PSC is aware of the existence and mandate of the WCC.
Mr. Jusu informed the WCC representatives that the PSC played a pivotal role leading to the enactment of the WCC Act, 2023 and the subsequent establishment of the Commission.
He said the PSC is a Constitutional institution established under Section 151 of the Constitution of Sierra Leone 1991(Act No.6 of 1991) and consists of “a Chairman and four other members”.
Dilating on the mandate and powers of the Commission, the Secretary to the Commission said Section 152 (1) of the Constitution empowers the PSC to appoints persons to hold offices in the Public/Civil Service, confirms appointments, promotes, transfers and also exercises disciplinary control over public officials.
On PSC’s working relationship, the Head of Administration said the Commission works in collaboration with other State Institutions, including the Cabinet Secretariat, Human Resource Management Office (HRMO), Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU), etc. to formulate Human Resources (HR) management policies, coordinate the implementation of such policies across the Public Service. “…We have over the years worked with the HRMO and PSRU on a number of HR matters, including the World Bank Funded Pay and Performance Project, Pay Reform, the European Union Programme of Support to Civil Service Reform, application of HR management policies and review of the Civil Service Codes, Regulations and Rules” Mr. Jusu maintained.
The Secretary to the Commission furthered that the PSC is presently working with the HRMO and Ministry of Political and Public Administration to develop the first ever Public Service Policy and Act, and also update the Public Service Regulations, 1982.
The above statements were following by WCC’s presentation which focused on ‘Key Information on the Wages and Compensation Commission and it attracted comments, contributions and questions from PSC’s Commissioners, Secretary to the Commission and staff.