Balangi Tiata, a prominent Tiata group now transformed to Balangi Film Production, over the weekend concluded a moving and heartfelt prayer and thanksgiving service for their departed colleagues, as well as those still alive. The dual-service event was held on Friday December 8, 2024, at the Masjid Rahman at Brookfields and the Ebenezer West Africa Methodist Church York on Sunday December 10, 2024, offering both Muslim and Christian prayers to honor and remember the impact of the group.
At the Masjid Rahman, Officiating Imam Alhaji Wusha-Conteh, delivering an inspiring sermon that emphasized the importance of gratitude to Allah. “In times of sorrow and joy, we must always give thanks to Allah for the opportunity to serve, and to live in unity,” Imam Wusha-Conteh remarked. He linked Tiata and Islam with a Hadith of the grand children of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam (SAW), Hasan and Husayn (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) who as children taught an old man how to make wudu properly, they corrected the old man making wudu wrong without offending him. After the man has watched them he said “By Allah, I did not know how to perform wudu before this. You have both taught me how to do it correctly.” Allama Kardari (rahimahulla)’s ‘Manaqibul Imam Al’Azam, vol.1 pg. 39
He narrated a hadith reported by Ibn Abbas (radhiyallhu anhuma): Who said the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (SAW), said, “Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your free time before your work, and your life before your death.” Alhaji Wusha-Conteh stressed that the hadith deals with responsibility, wisdom, foresight, long-term planning, and good strategy. Every one of us has been blessed with these five blessings. There is no one amongst us who has not been blessed with these five things. So how do we utilize them? What do we utilize them for? Why do we utilize them? He reminded the congregation that every moment is a blessing and we should grab the opportunity by returning thanks to Allah with His Holy Prophet a key tenet of faith.
At the Ebenezer West Africa Methodist Church York, Evangelist Lawrence Massaquio took to the pulpit. Speaking on the theme “Taste and See” from Psalm 34:8, Evangelist Massaquio reminded attendees of God’s goodness and the importance of recognizing His blessings, even amidst adversity. “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him,” he quoted, inspiring the congregation to continue the work they do with faith and gratitude.
He spoke about the goodness of God reflected in the lives of the departed and the blessings overshadowing the living. He called upon those present to cherish the memories of their fallen comrades while also embracing the present and future with hope and faith. He remarked, “In acknowledging our loved ones who have left us, we also acknowledge the love and good that remains among us.”
In his dedicatory prayers, circuit superintendent, Rev. Aaron Fofanah, prayed for the deceased members, Cyril Kojo Woode, Aruna Papani Conteh, Charles Korjai, Sylvanus French, Roland Strasser Taylor, Haddie Jalloh, Kumba Kpundeh, John Peter Thomas, Femi Peter Thomas, Salami Paul and Abioseh George. He also prayed members that are alive at home and abroad, trying to solidify the union.
The dual services brought together a diverse gathering of actors, family members, and friends, demonstrating the unity and strength of the Balangi Film Production. Attendees shared personal stories and memories of the departed, creating a warm atmosphere of remembrance and fellowship.