In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
In the highest honorable greetings I greet you all, Assalamualaikum, Waramatullah Wabakartu. May Allah the peace of Allah be with us Ameen. I am Alhaji Mohamed Wusha-Conteh, Secretary General of the Forum of Islamic Organizations for Peaceful Coexistence in Sierra Leone.
I bring you greetings for the President of the Forum, the Three (3) Spiritual heads, Executive, Elders and the entire membership of the Forum of Islamic Organizations for Peaceful Coexistence in Sierra Leone.
Since we are currently in the month of Rajab 1446 and the year 2025, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you once more about the Islamic groups’ forum of Islamic organizations for peaceful coexistence in Sierra Leone.
The main objective of our Islamic organizations is to promote the culture of national development and unify the shared ideals of all Muslim religious groups in the country. It disseminate information on Islam, tolerance, harmonious coexistence, and solidarity among the nation’s numerous Muslim communities. By embarking on Public education, sensitization, seminars, discussions, symposia, and information sheets in our communities.
Our Motto is enshrined in the Holy Quran taken from Sura Al-Imran Verse 103 ‘And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided’’
Our vision is to make sure Muslims of all sects—Shiite, Sunni, Ahmadiyya, and others—live in peace, value one another’s diversity, and work together to support national and worldwide initiatives that advance the prosperity of Islam.
Regardless of our sectarian religious views, our MISSION is to assure that all Muslim sects—Shite, Sunni, Ahmadiyya, etc.—cooperate and jointly plan workshops, symposia, seminars, and sermons on all-encompassing topics for men, women, children, and youth. Promoting intersectarian remembrance and celebration of Islamic holidays through peacebuilding, health education, literacy, and advocacy.
The Forum for Islamic Organizations will collaborate with any individual, group both national and international that fits within its goal and that of it believes if appropriate. We would like to reaffirm our dedication in promoting harmony and peaceful coexistence among the Islamic community, especially in Sierra Leone. It is crucial for fostering unity as we strive for reconciliation across various sects, such as the Sunni, Shia, and Ahmadiyya.
In Islam, as in many other religious communities, the division between various sects can occasionally be made worse by people or organizations who incite hatred and separation. Our position against people who advocate intolerance while covertly keeping close personal ties to these groups is completely anti-Islamic. True faith promotes understanding and respect for one another instead of animosity and division.
Islam’s belief in peaceful coexistence, which is reflected in the Quran and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), promotes unity among believers in spite of sectarian divisions. It’s critical to keep in mind that the Holy Quran emphasis unity, Quran 21:92 states, “Indeed, this nation of yours is one nation, and I am your Lord, so worship Me.” This message emphasizes the value of harmony and a common goal. Promoting peace ensures that our community stays committed to the path of peace and togetherness while also advancing the fundamental principles that ought to characterize Islamic practice.
Building bridges and battling sectarianism is greatly aided by our endeavor to create the Islamic Organization for Peaceful Coexistence.
We shall keep moving forward with our commitment to solidarity and serve as an example for others to follow in adopting a nonviolent, inclusive view of Islam.